I'm Jun, or Juniper, or quite a few other names around the internet; I like to move my name around quite a bit. I am a software programmer^1 and musician^2, who is generally obsessed with learning and thinking.
I like moths, nature, noise, electronics, music, programming, and so many more things; I keep myself very busy most of the time. If you can find an avenue to contact me I'm also always very open to chat!
I tinker a lot with electronic hardware like microcontrollers, SBCs, and old musical instruments. I currently have a collection of MIDI sound modules and a Kawai K4 that I use in tandem with Ableton in order to create my music.
I have also written some small microkernels, programming languages, markup languages (including the one that powers this site^3), and I am currently working on my own relational database software.
One last thing about me that I think you'll notice all throughout this website: While I love noise itself, I don't like line noise in text. As such, the markup language I created for this website only supports references to links located at distinct lines, and outside of paragraphs. This is to keep the reading experience uninterrupted, and only inform the reader that a source or link exists for the related body of text.